Feel the dew under your feet, borrow a fishing rod and maybe catch a tiny little perch, already before breakfast. It may be patting the rabbit, paddling a canoe or swimming until your fingers resemble raisins. If you’re really lucky, you may be able to jump in all the puddles (yes, we can lend you wellies) and make mud cakes. We don’t have a fairground. We don’t have any rides. But we do offer nature. And the tranquillity to do something very ordinary together. Just being, for example. Welcome to the Children’s Wallby.

Here at Wallby, there are lots of activities for children. We have play boxes you can borrow, a library of story books, a football pitch and footballs, cycles, hobby horses, and the fishing box for exciting fishing adventures on the jetty or in a rowing boat. There are also stones to climb on, branches to swing on, a lake to splash and play in, and many animals to visit. If the children have a good time, everyone has a good time!

Our Guide Hillevi also takes the children out on adventures in the forest, with a small packed lunch and lots of discovery joy on selected dates during the summer (Midsummer-August.) Ask in our reception for times and dates.
